小阿瀬 直
Sunao Koase
1981 群馬県生まれ
2003 工学院大学 工学部第二部建築学科 卒業
日建設計 その他設計事務所勤務
2008 小阿瀬直建築設計事務所[SNARK] 設立
2016 株式会社SNARK / SNARK Inc. 共同主宰
1981 Born in Gunma, Japan
2003 Graduated from Kogakuin University
Designer at Nikken Sekkei and other architectural design companies
2008 Established Koase Sunao Architectural Design Office [SNARK]
2016 Co-founder & CEO of SNARK Inc.
Outside of work, Sunao enjoys parenting and outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. He also likes gardening for his own house, which was newly built in 2021. His motto is to work as a team utilizing the individuality of various people inside and outside the company.