金子 奨太
Kaneko Shota
1992 群馬県みどり市生まれ
2014 神奈川大学工学部建築学科 卒業
2017 神奈川大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 修了
在学中にENSA Montpellier(フランス)に留学
2017 成瀬・猪熊建築設計事務所 勤務
2019 SNARK Inc. 入社
1992 Born in Midori City, Gunma
2014 Bachelor in Architecture at Kanagawa University
2017 Master in Architecture at Kanagawa University
Exchange program at ENSA Montpellier, France
2019 Architect at SNARK Inc.
Shota believes that it is important to be always curious about new things, not just in the field of architectural design. He is interested in designing for places with different culture and climates, including overseas. He likes listening to the radio, anime and eating desserts. His parents own a steel factory and an English school.
・House in Uehara
・House in Mita
・House in Annaka
・House in Shoto
・Karasuyama Building
・House in Kugahara