
Anna Ohtaki

1992    フィンランド生まれ
2014    オウル大学 建築学学士
2015    サルバドール大学(アルゼンチン)に交換留学
2017    オウル大学大学院 優等科学・建築学修士
2014 - 2023    Anttinen Oiva Architects(フィンランド)などで勤務
2023 - 2024    鹿児島大学客員研究員(アアルト大学との共同論文プロジェクト)
2024    アアルト大学大学院 科学・土木工学修士
2024    SNARK Inc. 入社


1992    Born in Finland
2014    Bachelor of Architecture, University of Oulu
2015    Exchange studies, Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires
2017    Master of Science, architecture, with honours, University of Oulu
2014 - 2023    Worked as an architect in Finland, mostly at Anttinen Oiva Architects
2023 - 2024    Guest researcher, thesis project in collaboration with Aalto University, at Kagoshima University
2024    Master of Science, civil engineering, Aalto University 2024    Architect at SNARK Inc.

Anna was born in Finland. She is passionate about wooden structures and is interested in existing structures, renovation and the circular economy. She loves books and Japanese bathing culture.