井上 夏子
Natsuko Inoue Koase
1986年群馬県前橋市生まれ。大学卒業後、文具・事務用品メーカーおよび販売会社にて法人営業、別注品の企画提案に従事した後、大手広告代理店経理財務局にて経理業務を経験。2018年1月 SNARK Inc.に入社し、会社の創業や仕組み整備に関わる。経営企画室に所属する傍ら、2022年より新規事業となるフィールド型ショーケース「SLOWP(スロウプ )」の企画運営に携わる。設計者以外の視点から、SNARKの新たな魅力をつくっていきたい。
Born in Maebashi, Gunma in 1986. After graduating from university, Natsuko worked in corporate sales to propose custom-made products at a trading company following which she worked in accounting at a major domestic advertising company. Since joining SNARK Inc. in 2018, she has been involved in the establishment of SNARK Inc. and the development of its structure. While working in the Corporate Planning Dept., she also has been working on planning and management of SNARK’s new business, SLOWP, since 2022. She is passionate about creating new attractions for SNARK from a perspective other than that of a designer.