
Jessica Huang

1997    南アフリカ ダーバン生まれ
2018    ケープタウン大学 建築学学士
2019    Thomas Leach Architects(南アフリカ)建築アシスタント
2020    ケープタウン大学 優等建築学学士
2021    ケープタウン大学大学院 建築学修士
2021 - 2023    さまざまな企業での建築・内装デザイナー(フリーランス)
2024    SNARK.Inc 入社


1997    Born in Durban, South Africa
2018    Bachelor of Architecture, The University of Cape Town
2019    Architectural assistant at TLA, South Africa
2020    Bachelor of Architecture Honours, The University of Cape Town
2021    Master of Architecture, The University of Cape Town
2021 - 2023    Freelance architectural designer for various firms
2024    Architect at SNARK Inc.

Jessica was born and raised in South Africa to Taiwanese parents. She is passionate about using her diverse cultural background to create inclusive and innovative designs. Outside of work you will find her making pottery, doing outdoor activities or trying new foods.